About Us
The Festival
The Oxford Music Festival was founded in 1974 and is affiliated to the The British and International Federation of Festivals for Music, Dance & Speech, which was founded in 1921.
Participation in a festival adds an extra dimension a musician's enjoyment of music. Young musicians learn their skills at their own home and at that of their teacher, in some degree of isolation. The festival offers a different experience, enabling performers to meet and learn from each other. Listening to others perform is a valuable experience. It is also a very valuable experience to listen to the comments and hear demonstrations from our adjudicators, who are all very experienced professional teachers - some at the leading colleges in the country. An increased level of skill and self-confidence, a deeper level of understanding, an extra measure of interest, enthusiasm and enjoyment - these are some of the things a musician can take from participation in the festival.
Participants in the Oxford Music Festival receive a certificate which indicates the level of achievement and a copy of the adjudicator's comments. And, not to forget the competitive element of the festival, certain class winners receive a trophy and in some of the more senior classes there are cash prizes.
Every year we have over 500 entries. Each day of the festival is busy, and with so many participants and so many parents and friends, there is a lively and friendly atmosphere - something that helps especially the youngsters overcome any nervousness at performing in public in front of not only parents and friends, but also fellow participants and the adjudicators.
Most participants in the festival do not go on to make their careers in the field of music, dance and theatre, but some do and these will testify that taking part in a festival was an important stepping stone in the development of their career.
The People
The festival is organised through two committees, the Management Committee and the Sub-committee. They're kept busy throughout the year, but particularly in the months just before and during the festival.
The festival relies upon a large number of helpers. Music stewards are help-mates to the adjudicators and announce the players to the audience. Door stewards sell tickets and programmes and help people find their way around. Canteen stewards help with refreshments at Rye St Antony School where they prepare sandwiches and serve tea, coffee, soft drinks etc.
We welcome extra helpers, so if you can afford a morning or an afternoon on any of the four days of the festival please let us know. A provisional timetable for the next festival is in the syllabus section and contact details if you're interested in helping can found on the next tab Contact Us.
Here are committee members
The Management Committee

Paul Smith

Anne Baker

Megan Hooper

Stewards’ Co-ordinator
Madeleine Katkov
The Sub-committee

Megan Hooper

Helen Moorhouse

Leon Maciocia

Peter Stutfield

Marion Crombie

Suzanne Higgins
Contact Us
Any enquiries should be directed to Anne Baker
email: annepbaker15@gmail.com
Telephone: 01865 557547

Beecher Acoustics

If you are looking to try or buy an instrument or want to enhance or restore an existing one, then please contact.
The Old Bakery
1 Quarry High Street
Oxford OX3 8JT
(T) +44 (0)1865 762287
(F) +44 (0)1865 767954

Linfield Ltd.
Property Developers
74 Lime Walk
T: 01865 751 544
F: 01865 750 991


Specialists in fine art and more general sales
Bocardo House
St. Michael’s Street
Tel:(01865) 241 358
Fax: (01865) 725 483

Oxford and District Organists Association
The Oxford and District Organists' Association (ODOA) provides an informal framework in which all those interested in pipe organs - organists, builders and listeners - can meet to enjoy all aspects of organ playing, music and building.